Team Building At HarrowWall
3rd September 2021

Pervade technical team away day heads to HarrowWall, the UK's largest indoor bouldering centre at over 40,000sqft. Bouldering is a fantastic sport that anyone can enjoy and which really challenges people physically and mentally. Unlike traditional climbing no ropes or harnesses are required as climbs stay within 5m of the ground at all times. Bouldering is used by professional climbers to simulate and practice the hardest parts of rock climbing routes, most of the challenge is not the physical climbing but figuring out how the climb can be scaled.

All members of the Pervade technical team have climbed with a range of experience in the teams. In addition to having fun we found that the problem solving, teamwork and communication skills to collectively figure out and scale climbs made for an excellent team building trip and would recommend bouldering and more specifically HarrowWall to any team.

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