Malvern Festival Of Innovation
7th October 2021

Pervade team exhibit at the Malvern Festival of Innovation and answer questions from certification bodies.

Pervade sent representatives of the systems engineering, development and support technical teams to exhibit at the Malvern Festival of Innovation and answer questions from the IASME Certification Bodies and assessors. IASME Certification Bodies are the users of the Pervade OpAudit web portal used by IASME and work with end users to guide them through certification with the various audited and self-assessment versions of the Cyber Essentials and IASME standards.

The Pervade team were able to meet with users of the system and answer questions about the current system as well as request feedback that will help to shape the features of the next version of OpAudit due for release in early 2022.

This event also provided an opportunity to meet the representatives of Phenna Group who had announced their purchase of the IASME Consortium in the weeks leading up to the event.

How our solutions are used

Our software solutions can be used as a standalone software product or as the basis for launching your own services. Below are examples of some of the projects which our solutions help to enable.

OpView™ is used to enable this excellent free monitoring and vulnerability scanning service delivered by UK Police Forces.

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OpAudit™ is used to enable to online assessment of applications for the Cyber Essentials Certification throughout the UK.

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