International Cyber Expo 2022
27th-28th September 2022

After a two-year absence due to the COVID-19, Pervade were excited to attend the International Cyber Expo held at Olympia London in September. The event attracted more than 100 exhibitors from various countries, making it an excellent platform for the cyber community to connect and keep up to date with the latest news.

Exhibiting the expo provided Pervade Software with a unique opportunity to showcase their innovative work and engage with a wide array of people. The event served as a hub for industry professionals, experts, and enthusiasts to exchange ideas, share insights, and explore cutting-edge solutions in the field of cyber security.

Pervade took pride in promoting their work and thoroughly enjoyed attending.

How our solutions are used

Our software solutions can be used as a standalone software product or as the basis for launching your own services. Below are examples of some of the projects which our solutions help to enable.

OpView™ is used to enable this excellent free monitoring and vulnerability scanning service delivered by UK Police Forces.

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OpAudit™ is used to enable to online assessment of applications for the Cyber Essentials Certification throughout the UK.

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