Cyber Innovation Challenge (Microsoft)
22nd February 2022

On the 22nd February, CTO Jonathan Davies was invited to the Cyber Innovation Challenge held at Guildhall in London. The event brought together financial services and technology companies like Pervade Software, to collaborate on enhancing tech solutions for the financial industry. Microsoft partnered Lawyers of London, Banking and City of London Police to create an innovative challenge that creates a system of collaboration with policing for cyber.

The event aimed to foster an alliance between financial insititutions and technology firms, recognising the growing need for advanced technological solutions in the financial services sector. By addressing the emerging challenges, this allowed for meaningful discussions regarding national cyber attacks, artificial intelligence (AI), cryptocurrencies, and broader threats. Notably, Jonathan Davies represented one of the only two software companies in attendance, highlighting the significant part that technology firms play in combatting cyber threats.

An integral part of the challenge was the creation of specific requirements for enhancing cybersecurity in financial services. These requirements, formulated through the collective expertise and insights of the participants, served as guidelines for banks and financial institutions to strengthen their security infrastructure.
Such efforts play a crucial role in staying ahead of cyber threats and ensuring the integrity and security of financial systems. Jonathan was delighted to be in attendance and representing Pervade.

How our solutions are used

Our software solutions can be used as a standalone software product or as the basis for launching your own services. Below are examples of some of the projects which our solutions help to enable.

OpView™ is used to enable this excellent free monitoring and vulnerability scanning service delivered by UK Police Forces.

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OpAudit™ is used to enable to online assessment of applications for the Cyber Essentials Certification throughout the UK.

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